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Teamsters Local 399

The Hollywood Basic Crafts congratulate IATSE on reaching a tentative agreement for their Hollywood Basic Agreement yesterday evening. 

Joining forces for the first time since 1988 around our shared Motion Picture Pension and Health plan improvements, we are proud to have played a role in the fight to secure important new Plan funding mechanisms in the form of additional streaming residuals, as well as protections and improvements for our collective memberships. 

We stand in solidarity with IATSE as they continue their fight this week for their Area Standards Agreement, as well as through their ratification process. 

The Hollywood Basic Crafts will be back to the table with the AMPTP on Monday, July 1st with current dates scheduled through mid-July. After the Basic Crafts’ first two weeks of bargaining, it’s been made  clear that our priorities of Industry parity, standardizing our contracts to memorialize better working conditions and respect will not be given out of the kindness of the employers' heart.

The company’s self-inflicted wounds of last year won’t be balanced on the backs of our members in these negotiations. 

The Hollywood Basic Crafts will continue to fight for a contract that can be proudly recommended by our member-led steering committee for ratification, and we won’t conclude our discussions with the AMPTP until those terms and conditions are met. 

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